When still working, we make so many plans for things to do once we retire. And as we get on to the home stretch in the last few years, the excitement begins to build-up, of course, with a few butterflies in the stomach as well. So many places to see, people to meet, suppressed aspirations to fulfill, all while juggling our hard-earned wealth and believing that there is enough, not only for ourselves but also to bequeath.
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* Investment & Trading in securities market is always subjected to market risks, past performance is not a guarantee of future performance
But retirement is not always as rosy as you imagine it to be. The transition to retired life is sudden, and there is a vacuum of time that has to be fruitfully filled. You have to be occupied with activities that need to be created, not only to feel gainfully employed but also to feel good about yourself.

Money only means caution to her, and
so while she is not unduly worried that she is not going to be able to manage
her finances, she isn’t actively looking out for opportunities to do meaningful
activities that give her contentment and joy.
High on resources and a
mindset of abundance
The second case is of a
woman who lost her husband in her late 60s. It was most unexpected and
sudden. While she was never involved in any financial decisions, she did know
where the amounts were invested. When she was forced to make financial
decisions, she was a keen learner. She had a substantial portfolio, both
self-made and inherited. She understood that she was highly unlikely to run
into financial difficulties during her life-time.
Low on resources and a
mindset of abundance
The third case is that of a woman who lost her
husband in her mid-fifties. She was not involved in the personal finances
at all, while she was well taken care of and continued to work till age 60.
Her net worth though is not enough to tide her through her retirement
years. Despite extensive discussions regarding the length of her retirement,
she does not see the problem.
Get more details here:
Derivative-Free Trial, Financial Advisory Company, Financial Planning
Call on:9977499927
* Investment & Trading in securities market is always subjected to market risks, past performance is not a guarantee of future performance